Saturday, June 11, 2022

No.331 - Writing our life


Writing our life


When we came to this world, we all came with a pen to write about our life as we live it. The different stories of our lives make us unique individuals. We are all different, and yet the 'same' --- the same in our quest to finish the pages of our book as colorful and as meaningful as we can, but often, we have forgotten to stop and read our own book for the purpose of reflecting our learnings and for better writing and pages ahead.


When I was little, a school teacher, told me, "Life is a book and what is most important is: how can you make each page an inspiration for yourself?!"

She made us keep a scrap book each, which I kept till now.


In life, there will be ups and downs, but if we search for inspiration within ourselves, we will be able to find some motivation and courage.

Nowadays, as I follow the Triple Gems, I used to write down my merits, keep graceful reflections.

What about you?


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