Saturday, June 11, 2022

No.330 - The Forth Dimension


The Forth Dimension


Our thinking is restricted by our three dimensional world, limited to only area and height.

 Our brain can not break through this three dimensional thinking. So I always tell my students to learn tai chi or meditation using the heart so that one day they may have a glimpse of fourth dimensional world and even able to reach above to the multi-dimensional planes.


In the past when the Buddha was teaching some of his gifted students of the formless worlds or planes, they could easily reach the Arahant or Buddha level within a few days. Nowadays, we seldom find such masters.


Nowadays we are all conformed with our formal education learning only the third dimensional materials. When someone talk about vibration, frequency, electro-magnetism and other metaphysic concepts they are lost and couldn't understand. They will classify all these topics as magic ( black or white ).

When we ask to go within, it can only mean to break our simple understanding of the three dimensional plane and move on into the fourth and fifth dimension if you are still and silent enough in your meditation. The joy, happiness and bliss will be totally different from what we have experienced in this world plane.


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