Sunday, June 12, 2022

No.358 - Mind and Matter


"In reality, We can't go back and Change the beginning, but we can start from where we are now and change the ending. All the problems are stuck between "mind" and "matter". If we don't "Mind", it doesn't "Matter. So, the best thing is to live simple with the nature without any egoistic and unrealistic expectations. So, we don't need to go after happiness. Happiness will arise within us and we can work for our ultimate attainment. Plant at least a small positive thought before start the day and then, definitely we can overcome whatever difficult situation arises within us...."


May the Noble Triple Gems the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha bless you, all family members, dhamma friends and all living beings to have good health peace and happiness by being free from the virus, danger, harm, stress, depression, worries, difficulties, problems, sicknesses and all kind of bad situations. May all living beings be free from all sufferings....!


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