Sunday, June 12, 2022

No.354 - Good deeds


Good deeds



When you have contributed your resources to build schools, or homes for the poor and orphans or give free services like teaching or nursing to the poor and the needy  in the under-developing countries, the  invisible credits would go to your spiritual account.


This spiritual account is important when you are desperately in need the divine to help.

 Believe me.


Many years back, I was invited by my friend to see an rich Indonesian man at  Mount Elizabeth Hospital.

He was very ill, lying on the sick bed.

Over there were four doctors, specialists, taking turn to check on this fat man, who was very heavy in built.

All the family members were there.

They were afraid that their father would die.

The four doctors could not come out with a right decision after checking with a close discussion.

I walked up and looked at this fat man lying there.

An answer appeared in my conscious mind.

This man had contributed so much money in building schools, hospitals, universities in Indonesia and in older China.

So I told his son not to worry.


Of course they were not  able to understand me.

 I asked his son to get a Chinese physician to prescribe a herbal medicine to his father and he would be out of the hospital in seven days.

His spiritual account had helped him to live on for another ten more years.

He passed away around 90 years old.


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