Wednesday, October 19, 2022

No.383- Goodness and Merits


Goodness and merit

Must be performed consistently

So that it constantly lives in the mind

And becomes the arom (object) of mind

The path of practice for the mind

Thus we will be able to see

The results of our goodness


Not wait until a person is going to die

Then invite the Buddhist monk to come

And start giving them blessings and precepts

Or tell them to recite Buddho

Or after they pass away

Tell them to start receiving the precepts


Actions like this are absolutely incorrect

Because the dying person’s citta

Is already confused and affected by vedana

[in this case, referring to unpleasant feelings]

How can they be ready to accept the precepts?


Only people who always observed the precepts

Will remember and keep them

Because they have always done so

Until it has become natural for their mind


Yet most people wait until they are near death

Before reminding them to keep the precepts

As for those who have already passed away

We don’t even need to discuss that


Luang Pu Waen Sujinno

Wat Doi Mae Pang, Chiang Mai

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