Friday, April 10, 2020

No.279 - The need for real practice.

The need for real practice.

Sometimes we need to be pushed, sometimes we need to be encouraged. Sometimes we need to feel isolated and alone and sometimes we need to feel supported, but in every instance it is ourselves who must make the effort of practice.
When we do make the effort for practice we will receive the results of that effort, when we make no effort for practice we will receive the results of making no effort for practice. The equations in Dhamma are always very simple and it is ourselves who will determine the quality of our lives in every moment.
We must understand that without the consistent and determined effort of practice there are only empty words in the air.
People talking about Dhamma, often expertly, as though they know, but never really understanding what Dhamma truly is. In the end all arguments and clever intellectual discussions show only a vacuity of true understanding.
Dhamma is beyond words and so there is nothing to say.
It is beyond opinion, so there is no side to take.
It is beyond religion so there is no war to be won.
It is beyond the intellect, so there is no argument to make.
Talking about awareness is not being aware. Talking about love is not being loving.
When we carry our Dhamma practice intuitively in the heart, life and our way of living will always be beyond words, ideas and opinion. There will be nothing to say, explain or justify, only a life to be lived naturally and spontaneously in every moment.
May all beings be happy.

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