Tuesday, April 7, 2020

No.249 - The Teachings of Ajahn Chah

Ajahn Chah

The more you neglect the practice, the more you neglect the teachings, the more your mind will sink down into a bog, like a frog in a hole. Someone comes along with a hook and the frog's days are over. He doesn't have a chance. All he can do is stretch out his neck and be caught. So watch out you don't back yourself up into a hole. Someone may just come along with a hook and catch you.

At home, being pestered by your children and grandchildren, and possessions, you are even worse off than the frog! You don't know how to detach from these things. When old age, sickness and death come along, what will you do? This is the hook that is going to catch you, which way will you turn?
(Ajahn Chah)

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