Sunday, May 23, 2010

No.91 - A Moment in Time - Changing Heavens.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what will thousands of pictures say?
Blue shadows.
As the day gradually relinquishes its hold on light, the landscape adores a different cloak. Its apparel of dark blue hues is like an alluring siren who sings her sweetest song. Your heartbeat quickens unexpectedly and then swiftly slows to repose like a hummingbird resting its beak on a flower. This is Bandar Botanic Man-made Lake. The different hours of the day reflect the many facets of its character. It still gently tugs at the heartstrings of its first-time visitors.

The messages that comes from up in the heaven is simple and clear, leading to no one that is lonely, no one that is forlorn. Bury your hatred; bury your greed, as tomorrow too there will comes a new day taking your worst and sorrow away. Bandar Botanic – a land, where flowers bloom, so does hope.
("Try not to become a man of succes but rather try to become a man of value"- Albert Einstein).

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